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What is difference between Final and Interim Dividend of Stock?

We know about Dividends from stock or Mutual Fund. But we hear about Interim and Final Dividends. What is the difference between Interim and Final Dividends? In this article, we will clear all of your confusion about these two types of dividends. Given below is the...

All About Stocks, Equities,Stock Market, Investing in Stock Market

Invest in stocks, shares, equity. Infact no talk on investment is complete without mention, if not discussion, of stock market. Investing in equities over a long period is one of the best ways to stay ahead of inflation. But Stock Market thy name is volatility!  List...

How to buy Stock: Delivery or Intraday,Market or Limit,T+2

How do I buy the stock? asked my reader after opening a demat account. One should invest in equities as money grows in the stock market, we hear. With offers of account and seeing peers investing in the stock market, you decide to invest in the stock market. After...

What is Stock Market, Share,IPO,How to buy,sells shares

A share is a unit of ownership of a company. One can buy or sell shares on the Stock Exchange or the Stock Market. A market is a place where we buy things. Stock Market is a place where we buy stocks or shares.  The company makes the share available to the stock...

News that affect the Stock Market

Stock market are volatile. Stock prices change every day. For the person new to the stock market, the constantly changing market dynamics can be overwhelming. Behind the movement of the stock market prices are the demand supply dynamics. If more people want to buy a...

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