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This page lists the videos related to Income Tax which can help you.

If you have income there is a tax. To understand Income Tax we need to understand what is Income, Income Tax slabs, Types of Income, the tax on different types of Income when it is taxed, dates and the year related to Income Tax, tax cut i.e TDS, how to see TDS, how and when to pay advance tax, how to pay the tax due.

The income earned between 1 Apr 2022 to 31 Mar 2023, called FY 2022-23 will be assessed for tax in the AY 2023-24. The last date for filing returns is 31 Jul 2023   Our article ITR Forms for AY 2023-24 or FY 2022-23  talks about it in detail.

  • Check out our course on Income Tax here.
  • Check out the Workbook on Income Tax here.

Income tax filing and processing comprises of following stages. Our article Everything about Income Tax: Basics, How to fill ITR, Income Tax Notices for how to file Income Tax Return

  • Computation of total income. Finding all the total Income
  • Claiming TDS deducted, Advance Tax paid
  • Deducting valid deductions to save tax(80C, 80D).
  • Determination of the tax payable.
  • Filling ITR
  • Paying the Self Assessment tax if any and updating ITR.
  • Submitting ITR.
  • E-verifying ITR / Sending ITR-V
  • Processing of ITR : Either Processed / Notice

Our article Understand Income Tax: What is Income Tax, TDS, Form 16, Challan 280,  lists all the articles for understanding the basics of Income Tax. 

List of Our YouTube Videos on Income Tax

  1. How to file ITR1 new Income Tax Website, for salaried with Bank Interest
  2. Income Tax on shares and Mutual Funds: Dividend, Trading
  3. What are Income tax slabs?
  4. Income Tax and Salary
  5. Capital gains on stocks
  6. Types of Income
  7. How to show House Property in Income Tax Return

It pays to know Income Tax: Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar

Is Amitabh Bachchan an Actor or a Farmer?

Actor Amitabh Bachchan declared his profession as that of a farmer in 2010 with regard to the purchase of land in Uttar Pradesh. That is technically correct because the land the actor had bought was farmland and put to farm use

Agricultural income is not taxable under Section 10 (1) of the Income Tax Act as it is not counted as a part of an individual’s total income. However, the state government can levy tax on agricultural income if the amount exceeds Rs. 5,000 per year.

Is Sachin Tendulkar a cricketer or an Actor?

In 2011 Sachin Tendulkar declared his profession to be that of the actor. And Income tax department agreed,
Which is your favorite Sachin Tendulkar campaign? As Cricketer

Sachin Tendulkar As an Actor


Checklist for Filing ITR

Checklist for Filing ITR to avoid mistake

Checklist for Filing ITR to avoid mistake

  • Check out our course on Income Tax here.
  • Check out the Workbook on Income Tax here.

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